1. On the road trip there: Especially if you’re the driver. As tempting as it may be to play CandyCrush to while away the hours, revel in the drive. Enjoy seeing a new part of the country or the companionship of your fellow travelers. This is a perfect time to charge up your battery with a car charger. Make sure it’s in a place where it’s accessible, but inconvenient, so you’re not tempted to reach for it every second.

2. At the beach: I know, I know, you’re so original with that picture of your feet on the beach. Or that epic, awesome sunset. If you must, take one photo and then put it away. But trust us from personal experience, sand and tech don’t mix. And if you have children, bringing your phone to the beach is just BEGGING for it to get buried in the sand.


3. At the restaurant: Yes, it will be tempting to snap a dozen pictures capturing your fruity cocktail artfully displayed in front of the water or other lovely background, but fight that urge and start sipping instead.

self portrait on beach

4. In the woods: You probably won’t get great reception anyway. Instead of running around trying to get 2 bars instead of none, enjoy being unreachable. People pay big money to go “off the grid!” Plus…we hear bears are REALLY attracted to campers who aren’t paying attention because they have their head buried in their phones…

5. In your hotel room: You’re staying in a nice place with total privacy, clean sheets and a minibar. Pull your nose out of Instagram and focus some attention on your partner. Any updates will still be waiting for you in the morning.


6. On a safari: What are you doing with your phone on a safari?! If you’re going all the way across the world on a safari, I think you can spring for a big-girl camera, no? Just put the phone away.

Got anything to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below.

