Posted on 6/5/2013

Written by Michele McGraw

The saying goes that, “The best camera is the one you have with you.” And despite the less-than-stellar image quality, the camera that most of us carry most frequently is the one that lives in our smartphone.

When life’s little moments arise, it’s better to take a low-quality smartphone picture than to take no photo at all. Especially because it’s so easy to download an impressive array of apps that transform substandard or poor quality photos into something worth sharing.

SEE ALSO: Photo Apps For On-The-Go Makeovers

Check out the following apps to beautify your smartphone photos:

  • To me, the most appealing aspect of Handy Photo is the beautiful interface. The app makes editing photos fun and easy, since everything is done by swiping and you can see the changes as you make them. It’s easy to go back to your original photo or a previous change. ($1.99, iOS, Android).


  • Adobe Revel helps you gather your photos in one spot. Using a iOS app and an uploader for Android, you can access your uploaded photos from any other device with Adobe installed and use your Adobe software to edit.
    Adobe revel
  • Photo365 is the app inspired by Project 365, a web community devoted to take one photo a day for a year. The idea is that by taking one photo a day, you will become a better photographer and have a special record of a year in your life. As I look through my old photos from my own childhood, I wish there were more photos of our everyday life. What did my mom make for dinner? What kind of shoes did I wear? What did my bedroom look like? The app makes it easy to take and upload photos to complete your goal, and the calendar layout is an attractive way to take stock of your month. ($1.99, iOS).


  •  A Beautiful Mess is like Instagram on steroids. It was created by Elsie & Emma of the blog, A Beautiful Mess. Their blog has beautiful photos and the app lets you add borders, stamps handwriting, and filters to photos to finish them off. Perfect for lifestyle photography and for sharing on Instagram and Pinterest. ($0.99, iOS).

A beautiful mess

PicTapGo is a photo editing app created the folks at Totally Rad. After taking a photo, mix and match different filters until you are happy with the effect. You can save your favorite filters to use again. Great for making photos look professional. ($1.99, iOS).

  • PicTapGo 

michele-mcgraw-scrappinmicheleMeet Michele

Michele McGraw is a 40-something geek trying to juggle 4 kids, a blog, her husband, running, living a healthy lifestyle, and finding time for digital scrapbooking. Through her blog, Scraps of My Geek Life, she shows families how to use technology to enhance their lives. She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram.

