
According to Wikipedia, a ‘technology society’ refers to the cyclical co-dependence, co-influence, and co-production tech and society have upon one other. While it’s no surprise that technology influences society’s values, technology is influenced by our values, too. Our daily needs, comfort and ease depend on tech so the demands for newer, advanced technology keep rising. However, tech has definitely caused concerns. From damage to the environment to threats to our personal wellbeing to overuse and abuse, the proper use of technology is a constant debate.

While it’s impossible to know exactly how technology has impacted our lives in the present, it’s even more difficult to figure out how it will impact the future. Whether we’re aware of it or not, when we use technology we’re making an unconscious shift in society. So instead of asking ‘how does technology effect society’ the question we should be asking is ‘how is society effecting technology?’

Here with me to discuss the crossroads of tech and society is Roderick “Roddy” Schrock, the Director of Eyebeam, a Brooklyn-based art-meets-tech nonprofit directed at transforming society. Also, on the phone from the UK, is author and journalist Will Storr. Will’s most recent book “Selfie: How the West Became Obsessed and What It’s Doing to Us” is out now.

