I’ve hosted a few shows relating to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency now and, I swear, each show leaves me with more questions than the last. The last digital currency-themed show I hosted, authors of The Age of Cryptocurrency, Paul Vigna and Michael Casey, joined the show along with Sean Worthington, the founder of the energy-efficient digital currency, CloudCoin.

One of the biggest takeaways from that particular episode was a quote from Michael Casey who said: “One of the challenges is nomenclature. We are in a social zeitgeist of figuring out what some of these things mean. Do you call something that has some of the qualities of a blockchain, a blockchain?”

So what is the blockchain, and what’s the difference between blockchain and distributed ledger? And how will blockchain technologies affect corporations competing in our capitalist system? I decided to ask the experts to help further elaborate on my cryptocurrency lessons (and obsession).

Here with me to discuss the ever-Dot Complicated blockchain are two leading experts in the field, both from the global leader in research and development of blockchain technologies, nChain , CEO, Jimmy Nguyen and nChain Chief Scientist, Dr. Craig Wright.

