Let’s say your best friend has to choose a label that sounds most like you. Which one would they pick? A. Dreamer or B. Doer? It’s questions like these that the founders of Pixies Did It ask their clients to create a personal, tailored system of organization according to personality type. Here with me to discuss Pixies Did It are sisters and co-founders, Kelly and Katie McMenamin.



“It’s a rough world on Wall Street for a girl.”

“Our dad and mom called us pixies.”

“When we became organizers we had our clients take the Myers-Briggs test. Our brother was our first client.”

“Some people are filers some people are pilers.”

“People’s brains are wired differently so they organize differently.”

“People who are to-do listers really love it. Some people hate them.”

“Half the population are what we call Classics—everything in its place.”

“Half of organization is about retrieval. Can you find things?”

“When we started it was during the crash. We figured we could take the time to write a book.”

“If you’re a visual person, you need to formalize everything and get matching bins.”

“There’s a coat problem at the entrance of the door. Coat hooks are key.”

“Everyone needs a home office if you’re over the age of 10. Even if it’s a cupboard.”

“As close as you can make things to a one-step process—by adding hooks or a transparent inbox, then do it!”

“If you’re a floater at the office, you need to have a backpack so you have everything you need.”

“If you’re more a visual person, have see-through folders.”

“Huggable hangers were our first Pixies approved product.”



From the Director of Marketing at Estee Lauder to Hearst, Carolyn Holdsworth has parlayed her marketing experience to follow her dream of owning, designing and developing a high-end spa in the country. Award-winning luxury day spa Nurture Spa in New Hope, Pennsylvania, has been voted the Best Spa of Philly four times and is described as “unpretentiously decadent.” Here to discuss her luxury day spa in the country is Carolyn Holdsworth of Nurture Spa.

“We all know that we’re sleep deprived. I have people asking to pay to nap after a massage.”

“I found myself progressing up the career ladder and getting bored. The only constant was me. I knew I needed a change.”

“”I went to Rancho LaPuerta the oldest spa in N. America and realized I wanted to be a part in helping people feel better.”

“I had a friend who lived in New Hope, PA, about an hour outside of NYC. I let my heart lead me there.”

“Without my marketing experience I wouldn’t be where I am. It is different building a brand for someone else versus myself.”

“The recognition from the media is a highlight. Our my staff telling me how much they love working at Nurture Spa.”

“The recession was tough. I opened a second location during those rough two years.”

“You feel connection when you walk in, especially where there seems to be less and less connection.”

“We are really present and focus on making the connection.”

“My best friend’s husband started his company with a partner so I would ask him for advice. I opened Nurture by myself.”

“Step 1 was going to beauty school to learn the business from a technical standpoint. I didn’t want to be a marketing chick who opened up a spa.”

“I am now a licensed nail technician.”

“Management style is different. Being a manager in the service world is different than corporate. I had to change my language style.”

“I retained a business coach to hone my management style. Now the morale and business is at an all-time high.”

“I’m looking for products that do what they claim to do. The beauty industry is incredibly crowded. I have to sample on myself for 2 weeks.”

“I look for company support, many don’t support small businesses. Not just financial support but social media support.”

“I was the oldest girl in beauty school. I was vice president during the week and in beauty school on the weekend.”

“I love change and challenges.”

“I tell my team, the answer is usually a yes. I believe in old school customer service.”

“Be clear on how you are different and what you want to be in that space. Every industry is crowded. If you don’t know who you are you’ll get trampled.”

“We rely heavily on reviews. They’re here to stay. You love them, you live with them, you do your best so you get great reviews.”

“We’re moving into a new location 3 times our size.”

“New Hope is an adorable town and a historic town.”

Nurture Spa

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