Update: The creator of Flappy Bird shocked fans and developers alike when he decided to pull the game from the App Store, though he was making $50,000 a day from in-app purchases. Here’s why.

First, it was Angry Birds; then came Candy Crush – and now, casual gamers are buzzing about Flappy Bird. Launched in May 2013, Flappy Bird didn’t become a viral hit until mid-January of 2014. Without any promotion, the app has racked up over 50 million downloads and 47,000 reviews in the App Store. The creator, Dong Nguyen, coded the app in less than three days and attributes his success to dumb luck.

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In Flappy Bird, players propel and steer a bird through a series of green tubes. The goal is to accumulate the highest score possible, which is easier said than done. On your first few tries, you’ll find it maddeningly difficult to get your bird avatar to stay afloat, let alone through the first few tubes. With low-res graphics reminiscent of the early days of Nintendo’s Mario, simple gameplay, and lack of sophisticated levels or storyline, it’s surprising to see the scale of its success. Scroll down to the Customer Reviews in the app store to see all the high ratings from frustrated gamers who are helplessly addicted to this game.

Here are some helpful hints for how to get ahead in Flappy Bird:

Tips and Tricks to Improve your Score

The Flappy Bird Survival Guide

How to Improve Your Score in Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird: Top 5 Tips, Hints, and Cheats

How to Not Suck at Flappy Bird

Have you played it? Why do you think it’s so addicting?

