
We all know that feeling. You find a cheap flight online, only to return later that day to see that the price has jumped up. Worried that the price might increase again, you decide to book it.

Did you know that you might be able to bring airline prices back down, simply by deleting your cookies and browsing history before and during your search? Many websites store your browsing information, so airlines know what tickets you’re interested in purchasing when you return to the site. By clearing your browser’s cookies and cache, you can make yourself appear as a first-time visitor to the site.

For instructions on how to delete your cookies based on the type of browser, click here. Alternatively, you can browse for flights in Incognito/Private mode. Here’s how.

While this method doesn’t work every single time for all travel websites, it’s well worth a shot.

Has clearing cookies and browser history successfully lowered prices for you? Tell us in the comments below.

Written by Ashmi Pathela

Posted on 2-1-2014

