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~Personalized Message From Randi Included!~

Do you have a friend or relative who struggles with online etiquette and digital faux pas? Tell us their story (with their permission or by leaving their name anonymous, of course) for a chance to win a copy of Dot Complicated for them, signed with a personal message from Randi.

Just email your story to We’ll pick 10-15 of our favorites and will reach out to notify winners at the end of November.

A few examples to get you thinking…

  • A friend had to go into social hiding after an AIM rant she made was circulated among the mean girls at her school.
  • A father didn’t quite *get* the Facebook status box and kept using it as a search engine. He posted the status, “where to buy chicken casserole supplies” and kept commenting on his own status with additional queries such as “chicken casserole supply store” – until his son finally commented with the address of a grocery store.

  • A colleague tweeted an inappropriate message from his personal account and was fired from his job the next day.

  • My aunt always complains on social media about how much her kids play video games, but her own Timeline is peppered with posts like: “Just beat level 489 on Candy Crush!!!”

What’s the biggest online etiquette blunder or digital faux pas you’ve seen? Tell us by emailing!

