The stories of cyber-bullying seem to get more tragic every week. As parents, it’s our job to stay on top of the newest sites and platforms where online bullying takes place. Although it’s impossible to know exactly what kids are doing online, at least by knowing the sites they’re using we’re able to ask the right questions to find out more about our children’s digital life.

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 2.00.00 PM is the newest site kids are using to belittle each other. The site has a simple format; after creating a profile, users ask their audience a question and receive anonymous answers. It’s alluring to teens because of the anonymity, but that’s also why it’s such a ripe platform for bullying. Kids ask questions like “Does anyone want to date me?” or “Who’s the prettiest one in the grade?” In most cases, someones feelings get hurt, but for teens, it’s a tempting platform to find out how their classmates “really” feel. For more information on how the site works, check out this CNN video.

Have you heard of Does your child use it?

Posted on 10/16/2013

Written by Dot Complicated 

