Behold the digital wonders of the modern world. No longer do we need to research answers in our local library, use a phone book, or even pick up a phone to communicate with friends. Digital information is all around, enveloping us with its infinite realm of possibility.


As we learn to navigate our place in today’s digital society, we begin to understand that how easy it is to get swept up in virtual life. It’s almost easy to forget the simple joys of meeting face-to-face, breathing outside air, or even breaking bread with those close to your heart.

For many of us, constant connectivity is a way of life. It’s business and pleasure and every bit as much a part of us as our right arm. But what does this mean for couples?

Like an unwelcome third party, our digital habits can have a lasting effect on our romantic relationships. While the web is perhaps famous for bringing people together, we’d be remiss for failing to recognize its ability to drive people apart.

For couples, achieving digital balance can be challenging. With the stressors of everyday life, it’s all too easy to lose ourselves in the digital world and forget to come up for air. So how does today’s modern couple manage the “digital partner” in their relationship? With rules.

Digital Rules For Couples

  1. Keep technology out of the bedroom. What?! I know, but consider this: your bedroom is probably the only place in your home where the two of you spend more than a few hours together at any given time. Make it a sacred space. Determine by the time you retire to your bedroom that you’re done checking your social media accounts, responding to emails, or catching up on the day’s latest gossip. Your bedroom is a place for rest, relaxation, and togetherness.

  1. Schedule digital time. Just as you make time each day to eat meals, sort through mail, and relax, add digital time to your list of scheduled events. Keep in mind however, digital time isn’t an endless free-for-all; it has a daily limit. Reprioritize your focus on strengthening interpersonal relationships.

  1. Be honest with yourself. How much time are you and your partner really connected? Is it the majority of the time?  Have you been made to feel less important than a social media website? Do you spend more time connecting to your partner online than you do in real life? If the answers to these questions are yes, it’s time to unplug and have a serious conversation about digital balance.

  2. Agree on your joint level of digital privacy. Is your marriage an open book on social media platforms? What’s worth keeping private versus sharing? How do you feel about your partner friending an ex? Is airing each other’s dirty laundry on a public platform okay? Only you and your partner can answer these questions, but it’s best have these conversations before you find yourself engaged in conflict. Establish social media sharing rules and abide by them out of respect for your partner.

  1. Make your love story memorable. When you look back on your most treasured memories together, they probably don’t include a handheld digital device. Precious memories are made by personally connecting with others on a meaningful level. Recognize the value of technology’s place in your life, but don’t forget the treasured moments that constitute real living.

Lori Garcia headshotWritten by Lori Garcia

Lori Garcia is a writer living and loving in Southern California. When she’s not trying to control the universe you can find her blogging at Disney’s Babble. As the proud mother of two boys and a blog, Mommyfriend, she almost never combines true tales of motherhood and mayhem with her education in Child Development. Through it all Lori remains committed to having good hair and never ever telling you how to parent your own kids.

