
5 Apps To Help You Perfect Your Selfie

self portrait on beachBy Ashley Mateo

We are living in the age of the selfie. The word has made it into the dictionary, Scrabble games, and even has its own song. But the perfect selfie itself can actually be quite elusive — and we all have the [Read More]

August 12th, 2014|Hot, You|

6 Ways To Travel Smart With Your Smartphone

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 4.24.49 PMBy Ashley Mateo

Before I went to Egypt in 2011, I promised my mom I’d text or call her once a day. She wasn’t just being overprotective; the country had overthrown its government a mere three months earlier and I refused [Read More]

August 6th, 2014|Hot, Life|

Rise, The App That Helps You Eat Better

cant eat it til you instagram itDieting is definitely not easy, but when you report your eating habits to another human being, you tend to stay on track. Problem is, hiring a nutritionist can be prohibitively expensive.

Thankfully, there’s Rise, a new mobile app for dieting and [Read More]

August 1st, 2014|You|

Would You Use an App to Monitor Your Mental Health?

sitting_textingWe use fitness and health tracking apps to gauge how many calories we burn and how much sleep we get at night. Now there’s an app that monitors your mental health.

Startup Ginger.io analyzes smartphone behavior for signs of depression, schizophrenia, and other mental health issues, using your phone’s [Read More]

July 18th, 2014|Life|

The Great App Purge

picjumbo.com_IMG_6031I’m a hoarder when it comes to apps. For months (ok, years), I’ve downloaded new apps with alarming frequency. My motives are pure: I’m constantly interested in ways to bring new content, shortcuts, time-saving methods, and all around fun to my smart phones. What could be [Read More]

July 2nd, 2014|Help, Life, You|

The Apps Our Readers Can’t Live Without

We asked a few of our favorite readers what they keep on the home screen of their phones. Check out the results below!

Peggy Lee, @PeggyHarperLee

My home screen is organized into folders so that everything that I access is right there. It takes a couple of clicks to get to some of [Read More]

July 27th, 2013|Stuff|

6 Apps That Stream Music For Free

Sometimes you just want to go for a run and listen to great music to relax– without doing the prep work of finding new songs, creating a playlist on your computer and transferring it to your device. Or head out on a road trip sans stacks of mix tapes (and the hours spent burning them).

[Read More]

July 18th, 2013|Stuff|

Fighting To Get My Pre-Baby Body Back

Somehow, during my pregnancy I gained about 60 pounds. I started out at about 118 pounds, made my way past 168 pounds and then stopped stepping on the scale. Okay, so you’re probably thinking I indulged myself in craving after craving. Quite the contrary (for the most part). I mean, there was the occasional cookie [Read More]

June 25th, 2013|You|

RunPee Tells You When To Pee At The Movies

Going to the movies is becoming more and more of a production as movies get longer and more expensive. Forget a spontaneous decision to catch a flick between appointments; instead, it’s an evening well worth planning in advance.

With helpful sites like Rotten Tomato and Fandango, you can do your research ahead of [Read More]

June 18th, 2013|Stuff|

The Best On-The-Go Photo Editing Apps

Posted on 6/5/2013

Written by Michele McGraw

The saying goes that, “The best camera is the one you have with you.” And despite the less-than-stellar image quality, the camera that most of us carry most frequently is the one that lives in our smartphone.

When life’s little moments arise, it’s better to take a low-quality smartphone picture [Read More]

June 8th, 2013|Stuff|