
You Need Just Ahead for Your Next Road Trip

Yosemite-Valley-from-Glacier-PointThis just in: You no longer need a guidebook to take your next great road trip.

Instead, make your way around the country’s greatest national parks with an audio guide from Just Ahead, a new app that turns your smartphone into a tour guide.

Using GPS, the [Read More]

March 10th, 2015|Hot, Life, You|

WePopp Helps You Plan Holiday Gatherings

London-Mind-Reader-Dinner-PartyDuring the holidays, everyone wants to get together–but finding a happy middle ground where all your nearest and dearest can make it guarantees anything but a good night. You know how things can spiral out of control as people put in their two cents about where [Read More]

December 16th, 2014|Fam|

How Tech Can Simplify Your Holidays

Stock PhotoThe holidays are one of the busiest times of the year, filled with parties, ugly sweaters, and watching the ball drop. With the season of giving quickly approaching, we’ve rounded up some unexpected ways a few tried and true sites can make your life easier—from mapping [Read More]

November 17th, 2014|Fam, Hot, Life, You|

Immersion, the Ultimate Email Scanner

immersion4001Ever wonder if your inbox is a true reflection of the most important people in your life? Immersion, a free new web tool developed by two graduate students at M.I.T., securely scans your email and derives discoveries about how you know the various people in [Read More]

October 27th, 2014|Hot, You|

Build Your Own App with DWNLD

3035353-slide-s-0-transform-your-website-into-an-app-in-secondsEver think about building your own app?

Introducing DWNLD. It’s like a WordPress for phones that makes it affordable and easy for any content creator to convert their website or social stream into a personalized app. DWNLD has an an easy-to-use platform and foolproof templates (no [Read More]

September 30th, 2014|Hot|

Momnesia Is Real – And I Have It

mom-stuff-636If you’re a mom you’ve heard of the term “baby brain,” and have most likely even experienced it yourself.  Lately I’ve been living in a constant state of Momnesia, so I can say without a doubt, “baby brain” exists. Ironically this brain fog commonly associated [Read More]

September 23rd, 2014|Fam|

Humin Will Make Your iPhone Contacts Obsolete

Active woman in front of laptop with upset lookBy this point in life, you probably know a lot of people. And keeping track of all of them (your childhood neighbor, your mom’s new best friend, your kid’s substitute math teacher) can be tricky. Adding people to [Read More]

September 10th, 2014|Hot|

The Best Apps to Help You Master Networking

Young business woman working on a laptopGone are the days when networking meant intimidating, time-consuming legwork. Thankfully, web and mobile apps now provide more opportunities to establish valuable connections and also make it possible to master this art. To get you started, here are some of [Read More]

September 2nd, 2014|You|

Elevate, An App Made for Your Brain

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.10.16 AMIt’s no joke that smartphones have made us chronically unfocused (hi, Candy Crush), so we’re making room for a feature that can do something good for our minds.

Elevate is a free app that’s designed to improve your cognitive abilities (speaking, [Read More]

August 21st, 2014|Help, You|

OneDay, A Movie-Making App

reading kidsRight now, my youngest child is a precocious three-year old. While she can talk up a storm and has a rather impressive vocabulary (a gift of being the third child, it seems), one of my favorite things about the way she talks is when she [Read More]

August 14th, 2014|Fam|