Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.10.16 AMIt’s no joke that smartphones have made us chronically unfocused (hi, Candy Crush), so we’re making room for a feature that can do something good for our minds.

Elevate is a free app that’s designed to improve your cognitive abilities (speaking, writing, reading, and listening) through a series of sharply-designed brain exercises.

To get started, download the app and pick the skills you’d like to improve. You can choose things like “articulate thoughts more clearly” and “improve writing abilities.” Each day, Elevate will present three tests to get your brain moving. You might be tasked with removing redundant words from a string of sentences, or tackle a reading comprehension game that’s reminiscent of the SATs. (Don’t worry—none of the exercises take longer than a few minutes to finish.)

The app is free for iOS and Android devices, and users can access up to 15 games that are available with a “Pro” subscription that costs $7.99 per month or $49.99 a year. The more you play, the better Elevate can gauge your strengths and weaknesses, and adjust accordingly.

Finally, you’ll have a good excuse for being glued to the phone.

