
Radio Show Recap: The Business of Marijuana

Up from $1.5 billion dollars in 2013, legal cannabis and CBD oil sales grew 74% to $2.7 billion in 2014 making these popular new wellness products the fastest growing industry in the US. According to Greenwave Advisors, legal cannabis could be an industry with revenues of $35 billion by 2020 if legalized at a federal [Read More]

April 23rd, 2015|Categories: Hot|Tags: , , |

Honk, AAA Roadside Assistance for the Modern Age

There’s nothing fun about needing a tow truck. From the frustration of waiting forever for it to arrive to the unshakable knowledge that you’re about to be gouged for a simple service, it’s a situation most drivers would gladly avoid. And like most industries, the experience of ordering a tow truck hasn’t changed in decades. [Read More]

April 22nd, 2015|Categories: Hot, Life, You|Tags: , , , |

Jon Ronson on Public Shaming

In the United States, public punishments have been banned since 1839. But nearly two centuries later, it seems like someone’s being flogged in a virtual town square on the Internet every day. In his new book, So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, investigative journalist Jon Ronson examines why the digital space has become full of moral policing--and [Read More]

April 21st, 2015|Categories: Hot, Stuff, You|Tags: , , , |

Rebecca Minkoff Supports Women In Tech

Rebecca Minkoff is used to integrating fashion and technology—she introduced several pieces of wearable tech in her spring 2014 collection—but the designer is taking her business ethos to a whole new level. At the UN Women's Planet 50-50 event (where Hillary Clinton spoke about the #NotThere campaign), Minkoff announced that she's teaming up with Intel to create [Read More]

April 8th, 2015|Categories: Hot, Job, You|Tags: , , , |

Get Better Skin with Spruce

Though many of us would like to think we left acne in high school, the reality is, a lot of us still suffer from breakouts. There are a million reasons zits pop up that have nothing do with hormones, from falling asleep in your makeup (yeah, we've all done it) to not washing your face soon enough after [Read More]

April 6th, 2015|Categories: Hot, You|Tags: , , |

Safeguard Your Smartphone Photos with Bevy

Families today often have more photo-taking devices than family members, which has led to the problem of people having massive numbers of photos and videos, none of which are properly organized and shared. It’s time for spring cleaning, tech version. And that’s where Bevy comes in. It's a tiny, network-connected hard drive dedicated to nothing else but storing and [Read More]

April 3rd, 2015|Categories: Fam, Hot, You|Tags: , , |

Eero is the First Care-free WiFi System

Linksys, D-Link, Netgear, and Belkin—no matter which router you use, getting wireless internet working in your home—your entire home—is often a miserable experience. Eero wants to make it better. A new breakthrough in the world of routers, Eero has been dubbed the carefree Wi-Fi system--and not without reason. The startup insists it's ready to help you prepare for a [Read More]

April 1st, 2015|Categories: Hot, Stuff, You|Tags: , |

Radio Show Recap: Kickstarter Campaigns

On yesterday’s Dot Complicated with Randi Zuckerberg, three Kickstarter Staff Pick project founders sat down to discuss what it takes to make a successful crowdfunding campaign. Tyler Tate Founder of Crema "We set a goal of $25k, we need a big push in the last 10 days." "We have 200 people who have backed the project. [Read More]

March 26th, 2015|Categories: Hot|Tags: , |