
Radio Show Recap: The Business of Books

shutterstock_171423347Technology, once again, has disrupted another old-school industry where the old way of doing things will have to adapt to both small and massive companies competing for revenue. Luckily there’s room for everyone, which means that it’s never been a better time to write or your [Read More]

May 21st, 2015|Hot, Life, Stuff, You|

Five Practical Tips to Encourage Summer Reading

imgresBy Kari Riedel.

There are many alarming statistics about the learning loss that occurs when kids leave for summer vacation (aka Summer Slump.)

One EASY way to counter this is to encourage your kids to read every day. For some families, that’s easy peasy.  For others, that sounds like a [Read More]

May 20th, 2015|Fam, Life|

Jon Ronson on Public Shaming

9k=In the United States, public punishments have been banned since 1839. But nearly two centuries later, it seems like someone’s being flogged in a virtual town square on the Internet every day.

In his new book, So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, investigative journalist Jon Ronson examines [Read More]

April 21st, 2015|Hot, Stuff, You|

Choose Your Own (Interactive!) Adventure

booksRemember the Choose Your Own Adventure books from the ’80s? Technology now allows for adventures with books far beyond what many of us ever imagined possible. From interactive books for kids to grownup mystery game apps to new ways of channeling classic authors, developers are [Read More]

September 12th, 2014|Hot, Life|

Helping Your Child Choose A Book Over Tech

A lot of us parents worry that the expansion of digital technology into our children’s lives will result in them reading less than kids of previous generations. It turns out that we needn’t worry at all. Children today are reading more than ever, in both digital and print forms, says a Scholastic Kids and [Read More]

August 16th, 2013|Stuff|

Resurrecting The Letter

My super-smart sister lives in modern day London. But what she’s smartest about tends to be stuff that happened in previous centuries. Have a question about Bach concertos? She’s your girl. Stumped by the Latin name of your favorite plant? She’ll nail it. Wondering about the finer points of Georgian architecture? She’s got it [Read More]

June 22nd, 2013|Life|

In The Digital Age, Books Are Still Gold

Cozy Couple Reading Book

Sometimes I feel like all I hear these days are: books are dead, publishing is dead, print is dead. Here in Silicon Valley, it’s easy to get caught up in that mindset, where everything and everyone is getting “disrupted.”

[Read More]

June 8th, 2013|Life|