
About Maura

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So far Maura has created 183 blog entries.

Build Your Own App with DWNLD

3035353-slide-s-0-transform-your-website-into-an-app-in-secondsEver think about building your own app?

Introducing DWNLD. It’s like a WordPress for phones that makes it affordable and easy for any content creator to convert their website or social stream into a personalized app. DWNLD has an an easy-to-use platform and foolproof templates (no [Read More]

September 30th, 2014|Hot|

Radio Show Recap: Parenting in the Digital Age

unnamedWhen should you introduce your children to technology? How much is too much? How is technology changing the approach to parenting? These concerns are as Dot Complicated as it gets. While children should be kept tech literate, screen time should not replace outside time or friend time. [Read More]

September 26th, 2014|Fam, Hot|

Apps & Honey for the New Year


rosh-hashanah-food-apples-and-honey3It’s that time of year again. Time to ask for inscription in the (Face)book of life and be absolved of all our digital sins. Technology is making atonement far more complicated than it used to be: Our sins go beyond what we say out loud to [Read More]

September 24th, 2014|Fam|

How to Buy Art Online

20x200booooooomNot everyone has the ability to walk into a gallery and buy the work they love right off the walls. But thanks to the internet, you can now find quality pieces from great unknown talents, as well as prints by well-known, established artists. Check out our favorite [Read More]

September 24th, 2014|Fam, Hot, Life|

Momnesia Is Real – And I Have It

mom-stuff-636If you’re a mom you’ve heard of the term “baby brain,” and have most likely even experienced it yourself.  Lately I’ve been living in a constant state of Momnesia, so I can say without a doubt, “baby brain” exists. Ironically this brain fog commonly associated [Read More]

September 23rd, 2014|Fam|

6 Gadgets That Make Traveling Way Easier

imgresWhether you’re taking a road trip across the state or flying around the world, traveling can be made a whole lot easier (and more comfortable) if you’re equipped with the tools of the trade. Ask any frequent flyer, jet setter, professional athlete or business person whether [Read More]

September 22nd, 2014|Hot, Life, You|

Radio Show Recap: Connecting with the Experts Online

experts-onlineContinuing education is becoming more attainable even with our busy schedules, but how do we trust someone’s abilities as an expert? And if you are an expert, how do you market yourself and get users to commit to more than one class?

We recently tackled the growing [Read More]

September 19th, 2014|Hot|

Bechdel Test creator named MacArthur “Genius”

alisonbechdelQuick – name a film that 1) has two female characters 2) who talk to each other 3) about something other than a man? Tougher than you might think, right? If you’ve seen this quiz before, thank Alison Bechdel – artist, feminist icon, and newly [Read More]

September 18th, 2014|Hot|

Randi Hosts Cyndi Lauper and Harvey Fierstein to Celebrate “Kinky Boots” Tour

2013 Tony Awards: The Meet The Nominees Press JunketYou might think the stage is the last place technology would find an outpost. Really, doesn’t it seem like sacrilege to condense Shakespeare into a bunch of tweets? But theaters around the world are thinking up new ways [Read More]

September 18th, 2014|Hot|

A Mom’s Day in Tweets

kourtney_kardashians_angry_tweet_at_flight_passengers_who_asked_her_kids_to_sushIt’s not like I’m a social media addict. But if I was, and I live tweeted my day, it might look something like this.

You. Guys. It’s *way* too early. Go back 2 bed. #itsstilldarkoutside

Great, now u woke ur sister up. #iusebadgrammarat5am


It’s ur brother’s turn 2 [Read More]

September 17th, 2014|Fam|