
Radio Show Recap: Wine and Technology

unnamedOver 90% of U.S. marketed wines come from California. With over 110 grape varieties and 3000 wineries in California State alone, wine is a multi-million dollar industry that, too, has been affected by technology.

Here are just ten ways tech, in some form, has altered the traditional forms [Read More]

November 19th, 2014|Hot, Life, You|

Was There Life Before Technology?

generation zI remember when I received my first cell phone. The year was 2005, and the phone was a Nokia 3120. It was silver and white, with the buttons and screen uncovered for quick access. I begged my mother for a phone, any type of phone. [Read More]

October 21st, 2014|Hot|

Ten Ways To Bring Your Past Into The Future

Facebook_like_thumbOf all the new things technology allows us to do, it’s funny how much we use it to recall our favorite memories of days gone by. Whether we’re pulling up the lyrics to Bell Biv Devoe, taking a quiz to find out which Muppet [Read More]

August 20th, 2014|Stuff|

5 Carry-on Bags That Are Tech-Friendly, Too.

Screen Shot 2014-05-22 at 11.32.19 AMFor frequent fliers, the “personal item” has become an increasingly crucial piece of luggage. Most airlines won’t let you get away with a carry-on bag and a laptop case—and if you try, you might be Twitter-shamed (yes, #carryonshame is trending).

With [Read More]

June 24th, 2014|Job, Life|

My Son Is More Tech-Savvy Than I Am

I am a true lover of all things tech and would even consider myself a tech-o-maniac; however, since becoming a parent I haven’t been as enthused about keeping up with the latest trends. Why?  I am terrified my kid will be exponentially smarter than me in terms of technology.  As a parent I want [Read More]

August 13th, 2013|Fam|