
June, the Bracelet that Monitors Your Sun Exposure

JuneSunBraceletThere’s no doubt that UV-monitoring wristbands like the UVeBand andUVA+B Sunfriend are a good idea for those spending some time in the sun. But most favor function over fashion, which is why Netatmo, a company known for its range of weather stations, has launched [Read More]

May 19th, 2015|Hot, Stuff, You|

Randi’s Top 11 Ways To Unplug This Summer

Happy New Year 2014 season concept on sea beach with the sun rayIn this tech-heavy age, we’re so attached to our devices that we sometimes forget they have off switches. But our digital dependence can take a serious toll on our well-being. This summer, curb [Read More]

July 22nd, 2014|Fam, Life, You|

Coding And Programming–At Summer Camp?

A counselor called Hashtag. Hours in front of a computer. A room full of silent children.

This doesn’t sound like your typical summer camp. And iD Tech Camps are anything but typical. But after touring the iD Tech Camps held at Stanford, it’s clear that these kids are loving every minute of it.

At the camp, [Read More]

July 18th, 2013|Stuff|

7 Secrets To Make Summer Last Longer


It’s summer – the kids are out of school, the days are longer, our calendars are less crowded. You might think all this would lead us to feel quite carefree. So why do many of us feel just as frenzied in summer as [Read More]

July 13th, 2013|Life|