
5 Technology Tools You Can’t Live Without

0811-5-gadgets-1The best new tech gadgets for him, her and the whole family.

PlantSense EasyBloom. Why It’ll Change Your Life: You’ll get a green thumb.

Shove the 11-inch stick into the dirt in a spot where you want to grow a plant. Built-in sensors gather info on soil moisture, [Read More]

July 9th, 2015|Hot, Life, Stuff|

Bruno, the World’s First “Smart” Garbage Can

BrunoThere’s a certain pattern to cleaning the kitchen, and some of the last two steps including taking the trash out and sweeping up the floor. While the need to heft the bag of garbage out to the dumpster hasn’t yet been eliminated, the folks behind Bruno [Read More]

May 28th, 2015|Fam, Life, Stuff, You|

It’s Time to Update: Three Outdated Home Tech Devices

nest_protectThings have definitely changed from the days when a state-of-the-art home meant having a stereo system and a microwave. But household technology is advancing so quickly. If you think your house has the latest conveniences, think again. Some surprising home technology standards are fast becoming old [Read More]

September 5th, 2014|Fam|

Sell Your House Without A Realtor

Posted on 6/12/2013

A real estate agent takes a 5 to 6% commission of your home’s value. For many homeowners, this results in a loss of thousands and thousands of dollars. Luckily for you, technology makes it easier than ever to sell your house yourself, using these websites as resources. For Sale By Owner never sounded [Read More]

June 11th, 2013|Help|