
WePopp Helps You Plan Holiday Gatherings

London-Mind-Reader-Dinner-PartyDuring the holidays, everyone wants to get together–but finding a happy middle ground where all your nearest and dearest can make it guarantees anything but a good night. You know how things can spiral out of control as people put in their two cents about where [Read More]

December 16th, 2014|Fam|

The Art of Self-Gifting

Blank card with red ribbon bowThe holidays are perhaps the greatest example of how mothers put others before themselves. We’re so worried about finding the perfect gifts for our partners and kids, not to mention hosting an impeccable holiday dinner, that we hardly have time to [Read More]

December 2nd, 2014|Fam|

How Tech Can Simplify Your Holidays

Stock PhotoThe holidays are one of the busiest times of the year, filled with parties, ugly sweaters, and watching the ball drop. With the season of giving quickly approaching, we’ve rounded up some unexpected ways a few tried and true sites can make your life easier—from mapping [Read More]

November 17th, 2014|Fam, Hot, Life, You|

The App That Will Save your Holidays

shyp-professionally-packages-itemsThe holidays are almost upon us, and while we’re thrilled about bonding with the people we love most, we’re not exactly looking forward to lugging packages to the post office and waiting (and waiting and waiting) in line to send them.

[Read More]

October 20th, 2014|Fam, Hot, Stuff|