
The “Mommy Wars” Head Online

If we want to look at the ways technology has complicated our lives, it’s impact on motherhood would be a great place to begin. The Internet has become the new battleground of the longstanding Mommy Wars. And cyberbullying behavior between moms is a very real and serious issue today.

As Tracy Beckerman wrote in [Read More]

October 8th, 2013|You|

What Our Selfies Say About Us

The selfie.

If you have social media accounts, you’ve probably done it. If you spend more than a few hours a day on your social media accounts – you’ve probably over done it.

I been reading so many scary articles lately on teenagers, social media, sex and selfies. Teenage girls are sitting at home staring at their [Read More]

October 3rd, 2013|You|

It’s OK To Say No: Why Regretfully Declining An RSVP Is Perfectly Cool

There it is in your inbox. Another event invitation.

The excitement of receiving an invitation and the anticipation of attending an event can be tantalizing.

As an entertainment writer for my city, it’s not uncommon for my staff and I to receive dozens of invitations a month to happenings we may have written about [Read More]

October 1st, 2013|Life|

How IFTTT Makes Your Life Easier

If This Then That (IFTTT) is a fabulous free service for automating all aspects of your life. IFTTT, as I’ll refer to it for the remainder of this article, lets you set up chain reactions between different accounts or programs you use. For example, you could:

September 30th, 2013|Stuff|

Was Motherhood Simpler Before?

Not to sound like I was born when dinosaurs roamed the earth, but back when I was a new mom, there was no such thing as Facebook or Twitter or even (gasp!), texting. We couldn’t post a picture of the world’s biggest exploding diaper on Instagram, or look for a cute homemade pumpkin costume [Read More]

September 27th, 2013|Fam|

How The Sharing Economy Is Changing My Life

There are a few reasons why I am super interested in the emerging collaborative economy and I’d like to share how my life and sense of community have greatly improved through it over the past 12 months.

We are in the nascent era of collaborative economy and it’s developing in a time where many [Read More]

September 26th, 2013|Stuff|

How I Hire: Employ Someone You’d Want to Work For One Day

An interview candidate walks into my office. She’s well-dressed, has a resume full of experience, and great references. I even get a thank-you note in the mail afterwards. So why am I feeling like she could be giving the exact same interview for my competition? Nothing about her interview made me believe that she was [Read More]

September 24th, 2013|Job|

“They Wanted To Talk And Be Heard:” Today’s Teens Navigate Tech

Technology has given today’s teens a massive amount of opportunity.  But without direction, this amazing tool can be a source of confusion, or worse, disillusionment, rather than empowerment.  And with the potential for cyber bullying, the internet and social media can even become a place of fear.

My team has been working with teens [Read More]

September 23rd, 2013|You|

Anything But A Taxi…Comparing Lyft, Sidecar and Uber

Ride sharing is all the rage these days. Normal people giving other normal people a lift in their spare time= fewer cars on the road and an easy way to make some extra cash. But which service to choose? Follow the story and choose your car service:

After selling your software application to Yahoo [Read More]

September 18th, 2013|Hot|

5 Days Without Internet: Blessing Or Curse?

The five days I didn’t have Internet access at home were painful and strangely wonderful – just not at the same time. It all started one morning when I went to my desk, coffee in hand, as I always do, to start my day. A few clicks and nothing. No bars. No Safari. Nothing.

[Read More]

September 16th, 2013|You|