
What is Periscope?


imagesPeriscope—what is it? What’s “doing a scope”? How are you “scoping”? Periscope was bought by the folks at Twitter so when you download the Periscope app you connect it to your Twitter account. Then when you go live a tweet will go out to your [Read More]

September 1st, 2015|Help|

Top 5 Apps for Millennials


Millennial AppsBefore you can effectively market to a Millennial, there’s a few questions every company needs to ask: What do Millennials value, what do they buy, and what do they want in the future? The best way to answer these questions is by asking Millennials themselves, [Read More]

August 28th, 2015|Hot|

Radio Recap: Millennials


6a00d8341c2f6e53ef01156ffbc4c1970bIf you’ve ever wondered if you’re part of Generation Y—otherwise known as the Millennial generation—you’d have to born between the years 1981 and 2000 to be one of 2.5 billion young influencers globally. Millennials are the most educated and technologically savvy generation yet—plus, with the Millennials’ median [Read More]

August 26th, 2015|You|

5 Favorite Wedding Apps

Wedding appYesterday on ‘Dot Complicated with Randi Zuckerberg,’ guests Naa-Sakle Akuete, who nailed her dream wedding by spending only $10,000, and Carolyn Gerin, the co-founder of the WedTech Summit, an annual wedding and technology conference, both gave listeners their Top 5 Favorite Apps to plan [Read More]

August 20th, 2015|Life|

Radio Recap: Wedding Tech

UnknownCurrently weddings are a $300 billion dollar global industry employing over 800,000 people in the United States alone. And now, with the recent legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states, the marriage business is set to gain another $2.5 billion dollars annually. So if technology [Read More]

August 19th, 2015|You|

Top 5 Favorite Apps

5 Favorite AppOn this week’s back-to-school episode of ‘Dot Complicated with Randi Zuckerberg’ life coach Erica Diamond gave her Top 5 Favorite Apps:

FREE – iOS & Android 
Screenshot the schoolyear calendar [Read More]

August 14th, 2015|Hot|

Radio Recap: Back-to-School Tech

remind-appLast year families with two children or more averaged around $650 on back-to-school items. But for 2015 it’s already been estimated that consumers are cutting back, averaging out to about $207 per student—down from $244 in 2014. While U.S. consumers are estimated to spend about $68 [Read More]

August 12th, 2015|Fam|

Why You Need to Know Your Kids’ Passwords

canstockphoto2780627By Kay Bransford

Our kids are online constantly and most of us have no idea exactly our kids are getting into. We’ve talked with them about the permanence of the medium, counseled them on how to behave and interact with others, but yet [Read More]

August 10th, 2015|Fam|

Radio Recap: Retail & Tech

sears-connected-home-3-100594552-origNow that we’re a little over eight years from the launch of the first iPhone, retailers have learned that to win over its customers, convenience is key and smartphones are leading the charge. Whether it’s through mobile sites or mobile apps, the smartphone has streamlined the purchase-making [Read More]

August 5th, 2015|Stuff|