Why Your Company Needs A Vibrant LinkedIn Page
LinkedIn is becoming more than a self-promotional, résumé building site. Now, businesses have found a way to be relevant on the social media site too. A social media presence on LinkedIn is different than being connected on other social media sites. LinkedIn has one obvious difference that separates itself from the other social media sites: a professional atmosphere. [Read More]
The ‘X’ Factor For Any Successful Entrepreneur From Quick & Nimble Author
We interviewed Adam Bryant, author of Quick and Nimble, about his new book and the 'X' factor that makes some companies succeed while others fail. 1. For your book, you interviewed hundreds of CEOs on how to drive a culture of innovation in today’s competitive workplace. What was the most interesting insight or strategy you took away? [Read More]
Looking For A New Job? Try Tweaking The One You Already Have
Quality work, quality of life, or quality of compensation? According to Sally Hogshead’s Radical Truth #13 (from this book), you may only get to pick one or maybe two. So what do you choose to seek in your career choice? What’s most important is that you find the work environment that you find fulfilling. Some careers (like advertising) [Read More]
What You Really Gain From Those Work Friendships
Commuting. All-hands meetings. Status meetings. Team meetings. Concept meetings. Presentation meetings. (Yep, all kinds of meetings.) Each of these were a part of my everyday world for 12 years. And for 12 years, I dreamed of the day when I would become a freelance writer. Of the day that I could escape the corporate world and become my [Read More]
Banish The Work Week Blues And Get More Done In Less Time
Looking forward to going to work tomorrow? Getting up at the crack of dawn, commuting on a packed train? Is it actually a good job that you mostly enjoy? But it’s the drag of having to be at the office first thing, not leave till last thing and have to do the same journey every day, that [Read More]
The Age Of The Creative Modern Resume Is Here
This week, Dwain Schenck, author of “Reset: How to Beat the Job-Loss Blues and Get Ready for Your Next Act,” shares his experience and tips on how to stand out in the competitive job market. It is no exaggeration to say that the traditional résumé is slowly going the way of the buggy whip. It [Read More]