
Hey Co-Workers, Don’t Disturb My Man

Last night, my boyfriend didn't get home from work until 8 p.m. Considering his workload and long-ish commute, 8 p.m. really wasn't that late. As a former ad gal myself, I try to remember long hours come with the territory. And with long hours come dinners alone, but those hours also give me the chance to catch [Read More]

April 12th, 2014|Categories: Job|Tags: |

If You Say You’re Not Going To Check Your Email, Then You Better Not Check It

I am the girl who cried wolf. Unlike the shepherd boy in Aesop’s fable, I am not repeatedly tricking people into thinking a wolf is attacking my flock of sheep. I don’t own any sheep, but I do have an email account. And my auto-reply, which is set to be on permanently, says that I only check email [Read More]

April 4th, 2014|Categories: Job|Tags: |

How I Transitioned From Staying At Home Back Into The Workforce

Recently as I was driving my youngest son, 11, to his cousin’s house for a sleepover, I told him that my idea for a blog post had been given the green light, and I shared with him my feelings of excitement, gratitude and emotion. He looked at me calmly and said “Mom, MILLIONS of people [Read More]

March 12th, 2014|Categories: Job|Tags: |

10 Ways To Turn Around A Bad Day At Work

Whether you love your job or hate it, chances are you have experienced a bad day at work. When you’re in the thick of it all, you may feel trapped. Try to get through your next bad day at work and still come out with a smile with these tips… 1. Count your blessings (no matter how [Read More]

March 11th, 2014|Categories: Job|Tags: |

How I Hacked My Job To Spend More Time With My Family

This is the story of how I hacked my life and career last year to get closer to the front lines of health-care innovation – and my family. It is also the story of how you can reinvent your own path in order to fix what’s broken in your career or fix imbalance between your [Read More]

March 4th, 2014|Categories: Job|Tags: |

You Have To Do The Hard Things

You have to make the call you’re afraid to make. You have to get up earlier than you want to get up. You have to give more than you get in return right away. You have to care more about others than they care about you. You have to fight when you are already injured, [Read More]

February 20th, 2014|Categories: Job|