
Radio Show Recap: Tech & Travel

travel-technology_1605811cWhen we go on vacation—especially if we unplug—we come back more relaxed and more productive at our jobs. But strangely enough only 60% of Americans would give up junk food, 40% would give up social media, and a mere 9% would give up their phone—all for [Read More]

February 5th, 2015|Hot, Life, You|

Four Strategies to Encourage Your Creativity In 2015

finger_painting_pictureDo you want to be more creative? I think we all do, deep down inside; let’s be honest. And while I’m being open, I’ll also admit to wishing I was taller and better at physics. But let’s focus on what’s achievable. And that’s creativity. We all [Read More]

February 3rd, 2015|You|

Your New Year’s TECH Resolutions

A new year, a fresh start… While most people are making resolutions that focus on exercise and diet, here at Dot Complicated we’re challenging ourselves with tech resolutions– that is, changes to the way we use technology so it enhances our lives, rather than detracts from it.

push_notifications[Read More]

January 3rd, 2015|You|

The Double Edged Sword of Social Media

2014-06-09-SocialMediaStressSyndromeSocial media has undoubtedly changed the world we live in today. In fact, it’s hard to imagine life without it now. It essentially revolutionized how we communicate and connect as a global society. Many have weighed in on the costs and benefits of social media and [Read More]

December 1st, 2014|Help, Hot, You|

Radio Show Recap: The Art of Digital Philanthropy

giving+tuesdayDid you know Americans donate 3% of their income to charity and 38% of Americans donate only during the holiday season? That’s why the UN, in partnership with the 92nd Street Y, has created #GivingTuesday to follow hot on the heels of Black Friday, Small Business [Read More]

November 26th, 2014|Hot, Life, You|

Radio Show Recap: Wine and Technology

unnamedOver 90% of U.S. marketed wines come from California. With over 110 grape varieties and 3000 wineries in California State alone, wine is a multi-million dollar industry that, too, has been affected by technology.

Here are just ten ways tech, in some form, has altered the traditional forms [Read More]

November 19th, 2014|Hot, Life, You|

How Tech Can Simplify Your Holidays

Stock PhotoThe holidays are one of the busiest times of the year, filled with parties, ugly sweaters, and watching the ball drop. With the season of giving quickly approaching, we’ve rounded up some unexpected ways a few tried and true sites can make your life easier—from mapping [Read More]

November 17th, 2014|Fam, Hot, Life, You|

Radio Show Recap: Tech & Politics

tech_politicsHere’s what we learned from the voter turnout during this year’s Midterms: The last time the turnout was this low Adolf Hitler was still in power. Only 36.4% of eligible voters turned out for this year’s election! Nearly 40% of people said they used their phones [Read More]

November 12th, 2014|Hot, You|

Radio Show Recap: Being Entrepreneurial Inside a Large Company

imgresEntrepreneurial behavior is usually thought of as risk and reward—dropping out of college and moving to Silicon Valley, for example—but that’s not always the case.

Companies are now providing opportunities for entrepreneurial behavior within their walls. With this trend becoming increasingly more commonplace, employers now are even [Read More]

October 30th, 2014|Hot, You|

Immersion, the Ultimate Email Scanner

immersion4001Ever wonder if your inbox is a true reflection of the most important people in your life? Immersion, a free new web tool developed by two graduate students at M.I.T., securely scans your email and derives discoveries about how you know the various people in [Read More]

October 27th, 2014|Hot, You|