
Randi’s Top 11 Ways To Unplug This Summer

Happy New Year 2014 season concept on sea beach with the sun rayIn this tech-heavy age, we’re so attached to our devices that we sometimes forget they have off switches. But our digital dependence can take a serious toll on our well-being. This summer, curb [Read More]

July 22nd, 2014|Fam, Life, You|

How the Web Helped Me Plan Cheap Dates

On the nights that I have a date, I have high hopes that we will be able to do whatever we want and not have to think about money. There has been the chance occasion where credit card rewards have worked out well, but the trend seems to be that by the time [Read More]

July 21st, 2014|Life|

Is It Time For A Social Media Makeover?

As social media becomes more of a permanent fixture in our everyday lives, I think it’s important to understand some unwritten rules. Social media’s sole purpose is to share information by connecting with others. It can be a very powerful platform for social change and spreading awareness, but it has also been known as a [Read More]

July 21st, 2014|Life|

Would You Use an App to Monitor Your Mental Health?

sitting_textingWe use fitness and health tracking apps to gauge how many calories we burn and how much sleep we get at night. Now there’s an app that monitors your mental health.

Startup Ginger.io analyzes smartphone behavior for signs of depression, schizophrenia, and other mental health issues, using your phone’s [Read More]

July 18th, 2014|Life|

The New Waterproof Kindle

kindleWe thought it was pretty tough to improve upon the Kindle Paperwhite, but a company called Waterfi has just answered our beachside reading prayers with the waterproofed Kindle ($240). It looks and functions exactly like the ordinary Amazon version, but it’s coated with a clear [Read More]

July 9th, 2014|Life, Stuff|

Match.com Teams Up With Mensa

Finding love can be tough no matter who you are, but the folks at Match.com think it’s particularly tricky for those of us who are smarter than the rest of the world. The site recently announced its new partnership with Mensa. Only users who fall in the 98th percentile on an IQ test can [Read More]

July 3rd, 2014|Hot, Life|

The Great App Purge

picjumbo.com_IMG_6031I’m a hoarder when it comes to apps. For months (ok, years), I’ve downloaded new apps with alarming frequency. My motives are pure: I’m constantly interested in ways to bring new content, shortcuts, time-saving methods, and all around fun to my smart phones. What could be [Read More]

July 2nd, 2014|Help, Life, You|

Inexpensive Summer Activities

Summer is my favorite season. There’s something about the sun and longer days that puts me in a good mood, and makes me want to get outside with my friends. However, as much as I like splurging on concerts, romantic destinations and sailing classes, I know there is only so much I can afford. My solution: Make sure [Read More]

June 30th, 2014|Life, Stuff|

5 Carry-on Bags That Are Tech-Friendly, Too.

Screen Shot 2014-05-22 at 11.32.19 AMFor frequent fliers, the “personal item” has become an increasingly crucial piece of luggage. Most airlines won’t let you get away with a carry-on bag and a laptop case—and if you try, you might be Twitter-shamed (yes, #carryonshame is trending).

With [Read More]

June 24th, 2014|Job, Life|

A Day Without My Phone

phone_caseThe worst has happened. I thought I’d be prepared but there’s no way that I am. Do I go home? Do I continue on? Can I continue on?

I left my phone at home.

This morning, I raced to catch my train, managed to squeeze myself on board, [Read More]

June 20th, 2014|Life, You|