
Rebecca Minkoff Supports Women In Tech

min-koffRebecca Minkoff is used to integrating fashion and technology—she introduced several pieces of wearable tech in her spring 2014 collection—but the designer is taking her business ethos to a whole new level. At the UN Women’s Planet 50-50 event (where Hillary Clinton spoke about the #NotThere campaign), [Read More]

April 8th, 2015|Hot, Job, You|

The Ellen Pao Gender Discrimination Lawsuit

Ellen-Pao_pan_20822The Silicon Valley sexism lawsuit brought by Ellen Pao against venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins has rocked the tech world for the last two weeks. Currently the interim CEO of Reddit, Pao says a male partner made her life at the firm difficult by retaliating against her after [Read More]

March 25th, 2015|Hot, Job|

5 Apps to Help You be a Boss

beyonce-blackberry1Most of us spend hours (and hours) on our phones and computers, so isn’t it about time our devices start working for us? In an era where there are apps to improve every aspect of your life, from weight to finances, it makes sense that there [Read More]

March 17th, 2015|Hot, Job, You|

The Women of Silicon Valley

screen-shot-2015-01-29-at-6-58-29-pmRecently, Newsweek’s cover story was about an all-too familiar subject: sexism in Silicon Valley. The article asserts that women in the tech landscape are still getting funded at drastically lower rates than men, far too few of us are in venture capital partnerships, and Silicon Valley still suffers [Read More]

February 19th, 2015|Hot, Job, You|

The Blurred Lines of Work Dynamics in the Age of Connectivity

imagesOriginally posted on Paypal Community on October 2.

Can you even remember a time when we had separation between our personal and professional lives online? Before the days of weekend and late night emails from your boss, before your eager new coworker friended you within five [Read More]

October 10th, 2014|Hot, Job|

Knozen, the App to Watch Out for at Work

Angry Office WorkerBy Ashley Mateo.

The average American works over 40 hours a week, which means we’re spending a major chunk of our life in the office. So, it makes sense that the line between co-worker and friend would blur, making some of our professional relationships more [Read More]

August 13th, 2014|Hot, Job|

The Do’s and Don’ts of Kickstarter

Screen Shot 2014-05-23 at 8.38.36 AM

Recently, aspiring chef Zack “Danger” Brown of Columbus, Ohio wanted to try making potato salad. His solution? Launch a Kickstarter campaign with a $10 goal for the culinary undertaking. The campaign has only been live for two weeks, and has [Read More]

July 16th, 2014|Help, Hot, Job|

Apps Every Small Business Owner Needs

When a friend from college decided to turn his hobby of playing violin into a career, he got serious and incorporated his band as a registered business. Starting a small business is challenging enough for anyone, but for my friend it was even more so because frankly he’s more of a musician than a businessman. [Read More]

July 15th, 2014|Job|

Tech to Help You Return to the Workforce After Having Kids

My sister was really lucky. After she had her daughters, she could afford to stay home for seven years, up until her youngest started kindergarten. Being a stay at-home mom was an experience she wouldn’t trade for the world, but when she was ready to return to work, she wasn’t sure how to break back [Read More]

July 8th, 2014|Job|

Startup Mixology

“Startup Mixology is an inspiring guide to help take that leap in the right direction. Gruber’s advice on delighting your consumers and thinking like an entrepreneur is uniquely tailored to fit today’s modern, wired age” – Randi Zuckerberg

Screen Shot 2014-07-06 at 8.26.40 PM[Read More]

July 8th, 2014|Job|