
About Maura

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So far Maura has created 183 blog entries.

How to Turn Your Child’s Digital Photos into Lasting Memories

shutterstock_92398126-337x224By Holly Rust

As a child who grew up in the 70’s and 80’s, my parents didn’t have too many inexpensive options to capture all of our first milestones, family vacations, and everyday life moments. We were, however, able to take our obligatory Olan Mills holiday [Read More]

March 6th, 2015|Fam, Life, You|

Radio Show Recap: Women Empowerment & Unplugging

jpegTanya Schevitz of Reboot talked about the upcoming National Day of Unplugging coming up this March 6th-7th:

“The last time I actually unplugged for 24 hours was last year’s National Day of Unplugging. It’s hard.”

“The National Day of Unplugging is a reclaiming of the traditional [Read More]

March 5th, 2015|Hot, You|

Radio Show Recap: Content Creation

Content-Creation-679x35090% of books are rejected by the first paragraph. Only 2% of books are based on the entire book. 30% of the Top 100 books on Amazon are self-published. Yesterday Randi discussed publishing and how to keep a captive audience with Ben Parr, author of [Read More]

February 26th, 2015|Hot|

Diversity in Business

By Randi Zuckerberg.unnamed

I spent most of last week engaged in a topic that’s close to my heart: diversity in business. Lack of diversity, specifically in the tech world, is a well documented industry problem. Thankfully, big players like Google, LinkedIn, and Yahoo are owning up to the issue by making [Read More]

February 24th, 2015|Hot, Life|

Why I’m Not Getting my 10-year-old a Cell Phone

tween-on-cellphoneOne of the worst parenting mistakes I ever made was to give my 8-year-old daughter my old iPhone “just because.” She had been asking – begging – for months.  “EVERY other kid has one/I need to be able to contact you in case of emergency/I’ll only [Read More]

February 23rd, 2015|Fam, Help|

Kidokey, the Best Way to Keep Your Kids Internet Safe

o-KIDS-IPAD-facebookBy Candace Derickx

My children are the technology generation—raised from birth with touch screens and wi-fi—the Internet touches almost every aspect of their life from education to socialization. Just like I monitor where they go outside of the house, I also police where they go on the [Read More]

February 20th, 2015|Fam, Hot|

The Women of Silicon Valley

screen-shot-2015-01-29-at-6-58-29-pmRecently, Newsweek’s cover story was about an all-too familiar subject: sexism in Silicon Valley. The article asserts that women in the tech landscape are still getting funded at drastically lower rates than men, far too few of us are in venture capital partnerships, and Silicon Valley still suffers [Read More]

February 19th, 2015|Hot, Job, You|

Radio Show Recap: Star Jones!

Star+Jones+Dennis+Basso+Backstage+Mercedes+1VqL8fSrmnylOn today’s Dot Complicated with Randi Zuckerberg special guest author, attorney, TV personality, women’s advocate and heart health crusader Star Jones sat in to discuss diversity in the workplace, safety tips for women, and how to be heart healthy. Here’s what she had to say:

“No [Read More]

February 18th, 2015|Hot|

Sherpaa Lets you Get a Virtual Doctor’s Exam

happy-woman-texting-at-home-horizThese days, you can ship a casserole across the country without leaving your couch. So why is it so hard to get a fast, reliable answer to a health question?

Kiss the waiting room goodbye with Sherpaa, a new digital healthcare service that lets you [Read More]

February 13th, 2015|Fam, Hot, Life, You|

When NOT to Let Your Kids Use the iPad

kids-ipad-440iPads aren’t evil. They are nifty little gadgets, I think we can all agree. After all, tablets have saved many travelling parents from descending into outright madness. It’s a fact.

Yet the key may not lie solely in moderation as it does in strategic timing.

New [Read More]

February 12th, 2015|Fam, Hot, You|