When You Type More Than You Talk

115529573If you interact with your inbox as often as you socialize with real people, join the crowd. Most people communicate via social networks or email about as often as they speak face-to-face, according to a study conducted by the University of Michigan.

In a survey of 3,000 Generation [Read More]

July 1st, 2015|Hot, Life, You|

Our Favorite Campaign Against Texting And Driving

Posted on 5/29/2013

Written by David J. DeLuca

By now, you have probably heard one of these ridiculously frightening statistics about texting and-driving:

● Texting drivers are 23% more likely to get in a crash.

● Sending a text at 55 mph takes your eyes off the road for [Read More]

May 28th, 2013|Hot|