
My First Job: The Trip of a Lifetime

I found my first internship from an actual, physical, mailed newsletter. During my freshman year of college, my high school sent out a mailing that included a list of companies and programs run by fellow alumni that had summer internships available. The list really ran the gamut – from gathering coffee on LA film sets [Read More]

November 5th, 2013|Categories: Job|Tags: |

Be Careful What You Get Good At

Be careful what you get good at. That’s what someone told me at my graduation, before I set off into the workplace. What silly advice, I thought. I just graduated from Harvard and I’m a Type-A, firstborn child. Of course I want to be good at everything. When I started my first job at an [Read More]

October 30th, 2013|Categories: Job|Tags: |

5 Mantras For Female Entrepreneurs To Follow

I had the privilege of attending the American Express OPEN for Women: CEO BootCamp, an all-day event where women business leaders including Tory Burch, Angie Hicks, Robin Chase, Jean Chatzky and Melinda Emerson provided insight, advice, inspiration and lessons on becoming successful female business owners. There were several common themes shared by these successful women leaders [Read More]

October 23rd, 2013|Categories: Job|Tags: |

What The Hell Is Business Casual For Women?

There are plenty of challenges facing a female venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. Figuring out what to wear shouldn’t be one of them. Some years ago, I needed to go to a week-long strategy meeting in Nice, France. The Nordstrom stylist I consulted was somewhat helpful towards helping me decide what to pack, but when [Read More]

October 22nd, 2013|Categories: Job|

The Perils Of The Home Office

I like my home office. The desk, the bookcases, the wide window looking out to the giant spruce trees. I’m grateful for all of it. However, if there’s one thing that I do miss about working at an outside office, it’s the impromptu interactions with colleagues, or what I call Tiny Kitchen Moments (TKM). Those [Read More]

October 18th, 2013|Categories: Job|Tags: |

How I Hire: Employ Someone You’d Want to Work For One Day

An interview candidate walks into my office. She’s well-dressed, has a resume full of experience, and great references. I even get a thank-you note in the mail afterwards. So why am I feeling like she could be giving the exact same interview for my competition? Nothing about her interview made me believe that she was [Read More]

September 24th, 2013|Categories: Job|Tags: |