Tech to Help You Return to the Workforce After Having Kids
My sister was really lucky. After she had her daughters, she could afford to stay home for seven years, up until her youngest started kindergarten. Being a stay at-home mom was an experience she wouldn’t trade for the world, but when she was ready to return to work, she wasn’t sure how to break back [Read More]
Startup Mixology
"Startup Mixology is an inspiring guide to help take that leap in the right direction. Gruber’s advice on delighting your consumers and thinking like an entrepreneur is uniquely tailored to fit today’s modern, wired age" - Randi Zuckerberg In writing your book, you interviewed many successful entrepreneurs. What was your favorite insight or piece of [Read More]
How To Ask For More: Negotiating Salaries And Raises
When friends or loved ones are getting a raw deal at work, it’s easy to come to their defense. But when it comes to speaking up for myself, that takes real effort and preparation. Asking for more on the job is never an easy thing to do, but it’s a skill set anyone can master. Do your homework [Read More]
7 Tips For Rising Above The Glass Ceiling
Many companies are struggling to hold onto their talented leaders in the midst of an aging workforce, a growing global market, and an increase in competition. How, then, can we make sure that women leaders and women rising in the ranks make it to the top? For any organization the best and easiest way to [Read More]
5 Carry-on Bags That Are Tech-Friendly, Too.
For frequent fliers, the “personal item” has become an increasingly crucial piece of luggage. Most airlines won’t let you get away with a carry-on bag and a laptop case—and if you try, you might be Twitter-shamed (yes, #carryonshame is trending). With the need to repurpose and reuse as much as possible when flying, I went [Read More]
Why Employees Should Advocate for a BYOD Policy
Despite early resistance by many companies, mobile devices have finally found their place in today’s work environment. Initially, employee-owned smartphones, tablets and even notebooks were only for personal use in the workplace, and even then, normally not allowed during working hours. However, thanks to the trending strategy called Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), these personal devices are not only [Read More]