Radio Recap: Women of Blockchain
According to Bitcoin news outlet, CoinDance, as of May 2018, 95% of Bitcoin engagement and participation comes from men and only 5% from women. The related world of cryptocurrency is filled with tales of “Blockchain Bros” takeovers, like at a recent Bitcoin Conference where only 3 women spoke out of the 88 listed. Another crypto-conference held their party [Read More]
Radio Recap: Playing the Long Game
Inc. Magazine’s Alyssa Satara recently shared the forward-thinking ideas of the Millennial, Forbes’ 30 to Watch Under 30, med-tech founder of NeoLight—a company that aims to bring new technology to neonatal care. Because med-tech is such a highly regulated space it cannot implement innovative solutions quite the same way other tech industries can, but it’s [Read More]
Top 5 Immigration Apps
1. USCIS Case Status — (Free, iOS & Android) This app from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services allows users to check their status. When someone applies for an I-140 they get a 13-digit number. On this app they can download the case tracker and track they petition twice a day to see when it gets approved. [Read More]
Top 5 Job Apps
1) SLACK - (Free; iOS & Android) Slack is getting a lot of attention because it helps manage communication with your team or remotely. It is so easy to use you don’t need long email threads anymore. 2) ASANA – (Free; iOS & Android) It’s name is representative of what it does: It’s task management. It’s a shared [Read More]
Radio Recap: 2nd Chances
Over 100 cities and countries from 18 states in the nation have already implemented fair-chance hiring reforms including the practice to “ban the box” — a movement to remove the small box on job applications that asks whether or not an applicant has been convicted of a criminal offense. Statistics show that ex-offenders’ inability to [Read More]