
Radio Recap: Women of Blockchain

According to Bitcoin news outlet, CoinDance, as of May 2018, 95% of Bitcoin engagement and participation comes from men and only 5% from women. The related world of cryptocurrency is filled with tales of “Blockchain Bros” takeovers, like at a recent Bitcoin Conference where only 3 women spoke out of  the 88 listed. Another crypto-conference held their party [Read More]

December 13th, 2018|Categories: featured, Hot, Job, Radio|Tags: , , , , , |

Radio Recap: Playing the Long Game

Inc. Magazine’s Alyssa Satara recently shared the forward-thinking ideas of the Millennial, Forbes’ 30 to Watch Under 30, med-tech founder of NeoLight—a company that aims to bring new technology to neonatal care. Because med-tech is such a highly regulated space it cannot implement innovative solutions quite the same way other tech industries can, but it’s [Read More]

October 24th, 2018|Categories: Help, Job, Radio|Tags: , , , , , , |

Top 5 Immigration Apps

1. USCIS Case Status — (Free, iOS & Android) This app from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services allows users to check their status. When someone applies for an I-140 they get a 13-digit number. On this app they can download the case tracker and track they petition twice a day to see when it gets approved. [Read More]

October 2nd, 2015|Categories: Job|Tags: , , , , , |

Tech & Immigration

Whether you’ve been hearing the different opinions during the presidential debates or reading them online, the one thing that everyone can agree on is that the current American immigration system is seriously flawed, and no industry is getting quite such a beating as the tech industry. Instagram co-founder, Mike Krieger, said it took him less time [Read More]

Top 5 Job Apps

1) SLACK - (Free; iOS & Android) Slack is getting a lot of attention because it helps manage communication with your team or remotely. It is so easy to use you don’t need long email threads anymore. 2) ASANA – (Free; iOS & Android) It’s name is representative of what it does: It’s task management. It’s a shared [Read More]

September 25th, 2015|Categories: Job|Tags: , , , , , |

Radio Recap: 2nd Chances

Over 100 cities and countries from 18 states in the nation have already implemented fair-chance hiring reforms including the practice to  “ban the box” — a movement to remove the small box on job applications that asks whether or not an applicant has been convicted of a criminal offense. Statistics show that ex-offenders’ inability to [Read More]

September 23rd, 2015|Categories: Job|Tags: , , , , |