
Eero is the First Care-free WiFi System

EeroLinksys, D-Link, Netgear, and Belkin—no matter which router you use, getting wireless internet working in your home—your entire home—is often a miserable experience.

Eero wants to make it better.

A new breakthrough in the world of routers, Eero has been dubbed the carefree Wi-Fi system–and not without [Read More]

April 1st, 2015|Hot, Stuff, You|

Radio Show Recap: Kickstarter Campaigns

photo-originalOn yesterday’s Dot Complicated with Randi Zuckerberg, three Kickstarter Staff Pick project founders sat down to discuss what it takes to make a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Tyler Tate Founder of Crema

“We set a goal of $25k, we need a big push in the last 10 days.”

“We [Read More]

March 26th, 2015|Hot|

The Ellen Pao Gender Discrimination Lawsuit

Ellen-Pao_pan_20822The Silicon Valley sexism lawsuit brought by Ellen Pao against venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins has rocked the tech world for the last two weeks. Currently the interim CEO of Reddit, Pao says a male partner made her life at the firm difficult by retaliating against her after [Read More]

March 25th, 2015|Hot, Job|

Monica Lewinsky’s Powerful TED Talk

maxresdefaultMonica Lewinsky is one of very few people over the age of 40 who has no interest in being 22 again.

“At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss,” she says bluntly as she began her talk on the TED2015 stage on Thursday. [Read More]

March 23rd, 2015|Hot|

Radio Show Recap: Peer-to-Peer Businesses

buzzcar-page_enseigneThe collaborative consumption model—known as peer-to-peer, or P2P—is based on the sharing, swapping, trading or renting of products or services allowing customers to have goods without having to claim ownership. This business model enables peers to buy and sell products from each other and gives businesses the opportunity to bring [Read More]

March 20th, 2015|Hot, You|

5 Apps to Help You be a Boss

beyonce-blackberry1Most of us spend hours (and hours) on our phones and computers, so isn’t it about time our devices start working for us? In an era where there are apps to improve every aspect of your life, from weight to finances, it makes sense that there [Read More]

March 17th, 2015|Hot, Job, You|

Travel Happy With Google Flights

GoogleFlights3Google Flights is making it easier to book the perfect flight and keep your gadgets connected and powered on during cross-country getaways. The company has announced a new partnership with flight-rating service Routehappy that will bring those details and others to Google Flights search results. When planning a [Read More]

March 16th, 2015|Hot, Life, You|

Radio Show Recap: New Exciting Apps

demo1It’s estimated that $143 billion dollars will be spent on apps this year. Trends range from mobile e-commerce, utility apps and new and improved social apps. Even if you’re not a coder or have an engineering background, you can still create a [Read More]

March 11th, 2015|Hot|

You Need Just Ahead for Your Next Road Trip

Yosemite-Valley-from-Glacier-PointThis just in: You no longer need a guidebook to take your next great road trip.

Instead, make your way around the country’s greatest national parks with an audio guide from Just Ahead, a new app that turns your smartphone into a tour guide.

Using GPS, the [Read More]

March 10th, 2015|Hot, Life, You|

Radio Show Recap: Women Empowerment & Unplugging

jpegTanya Schevitz of Reboot talked about the upcoming National Day of Unplugging coming up this March 6th-7th:

“The last time I actually unplugged for 24 hours was last year’s National Day of Unplugging. It’s hard.”

“The National Day of Unplugging is a reclaiming of the traditional [Read More]

March 5th, 2015|Hot, You|