A few weeks ago one of my Like or Dislike topics was about a new robot coffee bar in San Francisco better known as Café X. At Café X orders are entered via kiosks and a robotic arm mixes beverages without any humans necessary. A USA Todayarticle calls the Bay Area both ground zero and the test market for AI’s venture into the culinary industry citing the executive director of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association who says, that because of a variety of factors, including the prevalence of venture capitalists looking for the next tech breakthrough, a ready pool of voracious time-crunched Millennials, and a food-worker labor shortage has forced a number of restaurants to close while employment listings in the food industry have job availability in everything from top-rated restaurants to coffee shops. It’s a shift is happening across the U.S. and the world but San Francisco in now the epicenter of the automated trend with Cafe X leading the market with three locations in the Bay Area, and soon to be at the SFO airport.

Henry Hu
Here with me to discuss the automated culinary experience are Henry Hu, the founder of Café X, and Café X COO Cynthia Yeung.

Cynthia Yeung
In 2015, journalist and political analyst Carrie Sheffield founded a live-streaming news service called BoldTV, which started out with programmingfocused primarily on politics. Now Bold has moved into new territory, taking an apolitical dive into diversity in business to embrace a wider range of economic, racial, gender, geographic, generational needs in the workplace—especially as business relates to Millennials, as Carrie Sheffield, can relate being a Millennial herself.