Razia Sultan is the only woman ever to be crowned the Sultan of Delhi. After the death of Razia’s father, her brother was crowned sultan but was killed less than seven months on the throne. From 1236 to 1240, Razia’s reign, while noble and forward-thinking, did not sit well with Muslim nobles who disliked being under a female ruler.

But it was jealousy that brought Razia down. Turkish nobles planned a revolt including her childhood lover. Razia was kidnapped and held captive. Allowing her younger brother to usurp the throne.
As sultan, Razia ordered coins to be minted to read, “Pillar of women, Queen of the times, Sultana Razia, daughter of Shamsuddin Altumish”.
A builder of schools and libraries, Razia Sultan was also early STEM supporter, allowing for books on sciences to be widely read and enjoyed.