
Why ANY Screen Time Is Too Much for My Kids


I know writing this might not make me the coolest kid at the lunch table. I know many of you may not agree with me on this. But I want to discuss it anyway.

I don’t think young children should have access to smartphones [Read More]

July 15th, 2015|Fam, Hot|

Watch This Blind Mom-to-Be Meet Her Unborn Son Via 3-D Ultrasound

huggies-printing-videoAn expectant mother-to-be can’t see or hold her child during pregnancy, but she is connected to him/her in a way that no one else is. That’s what makes an ultrasound so exciting: for a moment, she’s able to see the baby that she feels developing inside her.

For visually [Read More]

June 2nd, 2015|Fam, Hot, Life, You|

Why I’m Not Getting my 10-year-old a Cell Phone

tween-on-cellphoneOne of the worst parenting mistakes I ever made was to give my 8-year-old daughter my old iPhone “just because.” She had been asking – begging – for months.  “EVERY other kid has one/I need to be able to contact you in case of emergency/I’ll only [Read More]

February 23rd, 2015|Fam, Help|

Radio Show Recap: Parenting in the Digital Age

unnamedWhen should you introduce your children to technology? How much is too much? How is technology changing the approach to parenting? These concerns are as Dot Complicated as it gets. While children should be kept tech literate, screen time should not replace outside time or friend time. [Read More]

September 26th, 2014|Fam, Hot|

Parenting in the Age of Social Media

thermostat-and-protect-with-familyWith social media on just about every device, parents have new fears to keep them awake at night. Around 95% of teens between the ages of 12 and 17 are online, and 81% of them use social media sites regularly, according to a recent study [Read More]

August 25th, 2014|Fam, Help|