
Radio Recap: Matt Britton + Me & the Bees


Matt-Britton-suzy-CONTENT-2018I had Millennial expert, Matt Britton, first on the show when his Amazon top-seller, YouthNation,came out. YouthNation explored the multitude of ways young people are effecting business as we once [Read More]

August 7th, 2019|Radio|

Radio Recap: Millennials


6a00d8341c2f6e53ef01156ffbc4c1970bIf you’ve ever wondered if you’re part of Generation Y—otherwise known as the Millennial generation—you’d have to born between the years 1981 and 2000 to be one of 2.5 billion young influencers globally. Millennials are the most educated and technologically savvy generation yet—plus, with the Millennials’ median [Read More]

August 26th, 2015|You|