
Let Your Tablet Entertain You

Have you noticed that more people are canceling their cable in favor of streaming services? Many viewers now watch movies and television shows on their tablet devices via platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Instant Video, and Hulu Plus. With the rising costs of cable, nixing that bill can save you a chunk of money every [Read More]

August 15th, 2014|Categories: Fam, Help, Stuff|Tags: , , |

Get Busy Slowing Down

By Adrianna G. Bevilaqua Just last week I was on the road for work shuffling through an airport with my Bluetooth on as I tried to dial into a conference call.  I kept trying to remember that dang access code as I toggled between the screen of my outlook, which stored my dial in number, and [Read More]

August 8th, 2014|Categories: Help, Life, You|Tags: , , |

An App to Help You Be In the Moment

While many of us joke that we’re addicted to our phones, a new app is about to shed light on how true that may be. Designed to facilitate a healthier balance between real life and digital life, Moment tracks how much you use your phone each day, helps you create daily limits on that usage, [Read More]

July 30th, 2014|Categories: Help, Life, You|Tags: , , |

Take Control of Your Gmail Inbox

Between airfare alerts, must-have sales, news updates, social media notifications, and recipes from mom, your personal Inbox is probably getting more cluttered by the minute. If you’re starting to feel like your Gmail account has exploded, it might be time for an email make-under. Here are three tricks for bringing more order to the Inbox: [Read More]

July 28th, 2014|Categories: Help|Tags: , , , |

Coping With Death on Social Media

People once found out about a family member or friend's passing in the newspaper or through a phone call, but today social media is a common way to spread such personal, tragic news. On the one hand, this can be a good thing: When somebody dies, social media facilitates a shared grieving; friends from all [Read More]

July 24th, 2014|Categories: Help|Tags: , , |

How to Fact-Check the News You Read Online

In the wake of breaking-news events, social media goes haywire with first-to-respond reports and anecdotes. Online, anybody can call themselves a journalist. With a deluge of information, how do you know what you’re reading on the Internet is, well, real? These resources can help separate fact from fiction. Storyful’s Open Newsroom: Storyful’s global team of [Read More]

July 21st, 2014|Categories: Help|Tags: , |

How to Prepare Your Car for Summer Road Trips

With summer officially underway, many families are heading out on vacations, and that means road trips. Whether you’re taking a long-distance road trip or embarking on a simple weekend  getaway, there are several things you can — and should — do to make sure your car is reliable, ready and able to make the trip [Read More]

July 16th, 2014|Categories: Help|

The Do’s and Don’ts of Kickstarter

Recently, aspiring chef Zack “Danger” Brown of Columbus, Ohio wanted to try making potato salad. His solution? Launch a Kickstarter campaign with a $10 goal for the culinary undertaking. The campaign has only been live for two weeks, and has raised a whopping $50,638 from more than 6,000 backers. The Kickstarter has exceeded Brown’s wildest [Read More]

July 16th, 2014|Categories: Help, Hot, Job|