Mobile Health—or mHealth— is one of the fastest growing markets for new technology because it allows people to manage all aspects of their health and wellness from their phone. mHealth includes everything from wearables which track how we’re moving and what we’re eating, to digital apps which teach us how to keep our mind calm and stay fit. mHealth tech not only has the potential to transform healthcare and increase its quality and efficiency, mHealth allows people to adapt a disease or health condition TO their life—not have to adapt their life around their condition. The global mHealth market is growing rapidly and is expected to expand to nearly $111 billion by 2025, with Fitness apps accounting for the largest market share.mHealth can create jobs and economic growth by combining medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and healthcare network sectors combined.
Today I discussed the mHealth industry with Ethan Agarwal, Founder and CEO of Aaptiv, an app that offers users a selection of audio-based, personal-trainer-led workouts that also monitors users as they progress through them. Also MJ Gottlieb, Co-Founder and CEO of Loosid, an app that provides a social community to those who are sober living.
- Ethan Agarwal
- MJ Gottlieb