Innovator and inventor, Thomas Edison, once said, “Vision without execution is hallucination,” and my guests today can attest to the importance of vision in starting successful entrepreneurial careers.

Long before Sachin Dev Duggal became the Chief Wizard at (Chief Wizard is his official title—how cool is that?),Sachin was an advocate of the environment, having spoken publically about environmental change when he was only 12. Sachin went on to help write the declaration of youth rights for the U.N. and became an entrepreneur at the ripe old age of 15 when he and his best friend formed the software company SMX Corporation (nowSD2Labs). It was a vision of global change that propelled Sachin to become the successful serial entrepreneur and charitable founder he is today.

Damien Elston started sharing his personal vision of helping others with wealth management after a ski accident upended his sales career. Bed ridden and unable to work, Damien realized the same traits that went into entrepreneurialism were the same skills that went into sales.  Damien began sharing his vision of transformation over transaction and is now a top business strategist. Damien and Sachin are here today to discuss how their visions helped build their careers.

