Millennial AppsBefore you can effectively market to a Millennial, there’s a few questions every company needs to ask: What do Millennials value, what do they buy, and what do they want in the future? The best way to answer these questions is by asking Millennials themselves, and one of the best ways to find out anything from any Millennial is by finding out from the experts—Millennials themselves.



1) TINDER—Mobile dating app Tinder is changing the way Millennials think about love (and all generations, for that matter). “For older millennials, cultivating a digital persona was a social necessity. For teens and younger twenty-somethings, however, one-touch swiping, liking, and commenting is beginning to feel more natural than the more old-fashioned face-to-face courtship rituals.”—Ryan Bort

Unknown-1 4.55.43 PM2) SNAPCHAT—”Snapchat’s stories entice Millennials to see what locals experience, and the least travel brands can do on this platform is watch, learn, and iterate… With 100 million daily active users on the platform, of which 65% of its audience uploading at least one snap a day, Snapchat is continuously deepening its position in the mobile-first, visual-based community.”—Joyce Manalo

Unknown3) STARBUCKS—”Starbucks’ wildly popular loyalty program is perfectly tailored to Millennials. What Millennials want in a rewards program is what they want in all marketing—tailored, exclusive content that they can see and use on their phones. Starbucks provides tailored content using the app’s home page of how many stars needed until the customer earns a free drink, a list of available rewards + messages that offer discounts or special products.”—Gila Allswang

Unknown4) UBER— “According to the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, in 2013 60% of all Millennials were interested in renting vs. owning all types of goods and services. With the surge of non-traditional renting options for Millennials, everything from cars, to clothing, to music, to vacations, companies have been working feverishly to provide a continuing source of new products and innovations to meet the Millennial needs.”—Shannah L. Compton

instagram-efjkg5) INSTAGRAM—”73% of Instagrammers are between 15 and 35 years old…48% of Instagram users follow a a brand because they find content interesting or funny, but also 62% of them follow a brand because they love the brand and 54% to discover new things…. 69% of Millennials check Instagram at home, 39% while going to sleep whereas 33% of them when they wake up. This means, Instagram grabs the attention of users throughout the whole day.”—Anthony Clausen


Are YOU a Millennial? What are your favorite apps!? Tweet us at Dot Complicated so we can mention your favorite apps on the air!





