We Asked You

Posted on February 20, 2013

We asked you last week about your top e-mail pet-peeves, and we received so many responses – apparently this is a heated subject! Below are some of your answers.

Bad (Or No) Subject Lines

The absolute worst is getting an email with no subject line. Uh, really? You are that lazy? – Susan

Too Short

Shorthand abbreviations when they are not needed. It’s not Twitter, you have more than 140 characters. Make them count! – Neha @Nehalia

One word responses. Oh the humanity. – Randall ‏@RandallAllDay

Too Long

When emails are too long. if it requires more than 2 short paragraphs, pick up the phone instead. – Preeta @preetweet


When people email multiple times about the same topic – free-thinking emails. Wait until you have all your ideas together. – Stuart @stuartbrazell

Too Casual

Biggest pet peeve: when people write emails ‘liiiiiikkkkkeeeee thissss!!!!!??!!!” – ‏@aTexanAbroad

Individuals not using proper grammar. That’s a big pet peeve of mine. Also not keeping in professional format. – @iHamzaDev

Being overly casual in a work email. Ex. not using a greeting or closing. – Leah ‏@LeahHealth

Too Formal

Bland dialogue for the entire exchange of emails and excessive formality. – Delawar @delawarahmed

Too Urgent

People who use exclamation marks like crazy to show their excitement and ALL CAPS for no reason. – Davina ‏@davinaleefilms

Sending me an email request with a same day ask. If you want/need something same day CALL. – Jim @wilsonj12

“Best” As A Closing?

Closing salutation ‘Best,’ especially as an auto-signature. – Stu @stuloeser

@stuloeser Agreed! “Best” feels dismissive. What instead? – Ben ‏@TweetBenMax

Hmmmm. I’m an “all best” or “all the best” guy. My peeve is without a doubt the “lol” for anyone over 8. – Stefan @stefanfriedman

All Of The Above

Text speak, replying to all, no subject line, long emails when 1/2 paragraphs will do, not attaching required documents. – Mary @Bristolmary

What are your pet peeves? Tell us in the comments below!

Read Ed Zuckerberg’s Article on E-mail Etiquette

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